
Advanced Water Treatment





Offered by

Supply Engineering




Completion of semester 1-4 in Climate and Supply Engineering or similar.

Main purpose

Through information retrieval, discussions, presentations and laboratory exercises to provide the student with knowledge in and hands-on experience with current topics related to drinking water quality. The focus will be on drinking water treatment methods more advanced than the traditional aeration and bio-sand filter.
The methods may be filtration, sorption, precipitation, disinfection, etc.​


​- Describe various aspects of deterioration of drinking water quality (physical, chemical and micro-biological)
- Describe different contamination scenarios
- Have knowledge of drinking water quality criteria (Danish/European drinking water legislation, and supplemental parameters)
- Understand principles of drinking water sampling
- Understand principles of drinking water analyses (physical, chemical and microbiological)
- Understand the use of extended water treatment methods


- Sample and characterize drinking water samples with respect to physical, chemical and microbiological parameters
- Obtain and evaluate empirical data from laboratory experiments
- Report results from laboratory analyses
- Compare and evaluate the application of physical, chemical and microbiological drinking water analyses
- Retrieve relev​ant information on current topics related to drinking water quality such as softening, pesticides, etc.
- Extract and evaluate data of drinking water analyses from the Jupiter database


- Analyze a situation with undesirable drinking water quality including: How to collect data and select the appropriate analyses, How to cope with the consumers and the legislation, etc.
- Design methods for advanced drinking water treatment depending on a given water types chemical composition and challenges.
- Design laboratory experiments to analyse the applicability of a proposed treatment method.
- Economic assessment of proposed methods.


The specific topics (treatment methods) will be decided in the beginning of the course depending on relevance and actuality. A written report must be handed in for all chosen topics.

Teaching methods and study activities

Lectures and seminars.
Production of 3-5 reports based on the chosen topics.
Presentations made by students.
Individual information retrieval, laboratory work, data analysis, discussions in groups assisted by the lecturer, self-study, homework assignments.
137.5 hours of work for the student.


Peer reviewed papers depending on topics.
Databases such as PC-Jupiter
Søborg, D. and Glab. A. 2018. Laboratory practicals.



Exam prerequisites:

Type of exam:
Individual oral exam with an internal examiner.
Exam is without preparation and based upon course assignment(s) (Experimental reports) handed in before deadline and accepted.
Course assignments account for 50% of final grade.
Exam accounts for 50% of final grade.

Tools allowed:

Equal to the ordinary exam. 

Grading criteria

Grading based on the Danish 7 point scale.

Additional information



Henrik Bjørn

Valid from

8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM

Course type
