
Design of Wastewater Treatment 2





Offered by

Supply Engineering




Main purpose

To create an understanding of the design of main wastewater treatment processes at the activated sludge plant and the importance of digital models used for this design. Through information retrieval and group work to provide student with knowledge about modelling program used for design and evaluation of wastewater treatment plant performance.​


- Concepts and assessment methods involved in providing basic understanding of activated sludge process and the possibility of achieving biological cleaning of wastewater. 
- Digital models used for wastewater treatment plant design.
- Usage of WEST – modelling program used for design and evaluation of wastewater treatment.
- Usage and application of design models and constructions.
- Ability to find needed constructions and process to create the wanted level of treatment.


- Able to create a digital wastewater treatment plant model.
- Analytical methods in identifying needed treatment of the wastewater.
- Principles and application of advanced as well as simple treatment methods.
- Analyze the performance of created model and evaluate on the results.


- Characterize different treatment methods with respect to physical, chemical and microbiological parameters.
- Evaluate wastewater data and from this being able to design digital model for treatment.
- Present digital results in a clear and simplified way.
- Analyze a situation with inefficient treatment and find a way of improving this using learned treatment methods and skills.


- ​Theoretical inputs on digital tools for design of wastewater treatment plant.
- Dimensioning and designing of a wastewater plant in a modelling software.
- Evaluation on wastewater treatment performance of created model.
- Comparison of the model with and without controllers applied.
- Cost evaluation of created models.
- Cleaning efficiency evaluation of created models.
- Understand principles of optimized constructions concerning energy consumption.​​

Teaching methods and study activities

Lectures followed up by assignments solved in groups, individual information retrieval, data analysis, group report writing, self-study, homework assignments.

137,5 hours of work for the student.


Ernst S. Hjorth: Compendium of wastewater treatment. A. 2020.
Mogens Henze, Poul Harremoës, Jes la Cour Jansen and Eric Arvin: Wastewater Treatment, Springer, 2000
WEST tutorials



Exam prerequisites:

Type of exam:
Ongoing tests in the form of one written group assignment, weighing 100%. The assignment must be handed in before deadline. 
Internal assessment. 

Tools allowed:

Equal to the ordinary assessment (new assignments).

Grading criteria

​Grading based on the Danish 7 point scale.

Additional information


Agnieszka Behrend

Valid from

8/1/2024 12:00:00 AM

Course type


WEST, modelling software, wastewater treatment, digital model, activated sludge model, performance efficiency