





Offered by

Global Business Engineering




Main purpose

The purpose of the course in entrepreneurship is to learn about the entrepreneurial process through theories, reflection and
practical exercises enabling students to put the theories and reflections into practice, by learning through entrepreneurship.
The aim is to make the student aware that entrepreneurship is about Ideas, Resources & Taking Action. This requires an entrepreneurial mindset,
and therefore, involves professionalism, personality, identity and values whether you make changes in existing organizations (Intrapreneurship) or start a new business (Entrepreneurship)


The student will obtain a profound understanding of how to use reflection in areas as innovation, entrepreneurship,
establishing and qualifying a business identity, understanding complexity in business, leadership and projects generating
value on entrepreneurial premises.


The student will be able to establish, identify and differentiate a business idea on practical as well
as immaterial perspectives, have integrated the entrepreneurial way of working on personal-, team- and organizational level and be able to use many sources and perspectives for creating value in projects, idea generation etc.


The student will have acquired competencies to generate business ideas, qualify business ideas,
reflect on operationalize business ideas. First, obtaining a fundamental knowledge of how entrepreneurship differs from more traditional ways of thinking about business and how to handle complexity in relation to business creation or change and personal
characteristics related to the student and business partners.


Teaching methods and study activities

During the semester, students must in groups develop, qualify, and concretize a business idea either as a startup or in existing companies. At the same time, they will work on developing their own skills/competences. The teacher decides what the specific assignments are about. 
Both assignments result in reports that must be handed in.
The course will comprise of lectures, company visits, group work and individual work related to the assignments. Other relevant types could also come in play.
It is required and necessary for the student to prepare thoroughly by reading the specified literature and the tasks, which are specified in the plan of lectures. All classes require this, and the specified literature is being used as the basis for further development in relation to entrepreneurship


Osterwalder, A. & Peigner, Y., 2010, “Business Model Generation”
Osterwalder, A. & Peigner, Y., 2014 “Value Proposition Design”.
Plus, relevant academic articles and reports.



Prerequisites for exam:

Exam type:
Oral group examination consisting of a group presenta-tion based on students portfolios, followed by a discussion be-tween students and examinators. The portfolios will consist of both group and individual assignment and needs to be handed in before a deadline set by the lecturer.
Duration of exam will be 60 minutes to groups of 3 or 4 persons or 75 minutes to groups of 5 or 6 persons.

Internal censor is used.

Individual grade is based on overall assessment of written group report, presentation and discussion and individual report.

Tools allowed: All

Re-exam:As ordinary.

Grading criteria

7-point scale

Additional information


Mette Linddahl Thomassen

Valid from

8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM

Course type

Business and Management


Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Ideas, Resources, Take Action