
International Project within Business and Communication - B (GBE)





Offered by

Global Business Engineering




General admission requirements. The student must be in his/her final semester.

Main purpose

The main purpose of the course is to introduce the students to the project-organized and problem-oriented methodology that is used in connection with student projects work at VIA Engineering, VIA University College.
The course will introduce the students to a range of relevant theories, tools and practical methods concerning project methodology. Following the lectures, the students will apply theory and models in a project executed as project work in groups under supervision of a supervisor.


The students will acquire project oriented knowledge that will support them during their project work. Students will be introduced to problem-oriented, project-organized and interdisciplinary learning approach. Furthermore the course aims at giving students an opportunity to increase awareness of their own social skills in team-building processes across different cultural and academic traditions.


Following the course students will be able to
• develop a project description and a problem definition
• handle problem analysis, idea generation and decision-making 
• apply generic tools for project planning and execution 
• develop a written report including structure, formal requirements, project documentation and process report                              
• work in a multicultural project group


The objectives of the course are to make the students 
• understand the elements that define problem-oriented and project-organized studies at VIA Engineering, VIA University College 
• understand the elements of a problem definition and a project description and be able to develop both 
• understand the importance of innovative processes (problem analysis, idea generation, decision-making and implementation) 
• understand group dynamics and the theories behind the subject, including cultural differences 
• understand and apply generic tools for project planning and execution 
• understand the role of the supervisor and project supervision in general
• able to execute and document a project in written and oral English.
• able to structure a written report following formal requirements 


• Introduction to problem-oriented and project organized study methods.
• Group work and project-organized studies including introduction to working in multicultural groups and “how to manage meetings”
• Introduction to library, literature search and review
• Problem analysis, idea generation & decision-making 
• Problem formulation and project description
• Project planning and execution 
• Project supervision and the role of the supervisor 
• Project documentation, project report and process report 
• Project presentation
• How to undertake projects

Teaching methods and study activities

10 weeks with three lectures a week for Project Methodology followed by 5 weeks of project work in groups. Total expected workload per student is 413 hours. 1 ECTS project work is equivalent to 27,5 hours. 
The projects must be developed in groups of 3-4 students.
VIA will provide the necessary supervision assistance and is to be acknowledged as the recipient of the projects.


Handouts uploaded on Studynet.


During the course a project description must be developed and approved by the group supervisor. Only groups that hand in the written project by the stated deadline will have access to the project exam.


Group examination with individual mark based on the course assignment.
Group presentation - app. 30 minutes - followed by joint questioning session of app. 15 minutes / student.
Internal or external examiner
There will be given a mark from the ECTS scale (for fulltime students from the corresponding 7 step scale).

Grading criteria

Grading based on the Danish 7-point scale.
Exam accounts for 100 % of final grade.
The level of grading will correspond to the level of 7th semester projects for full degree students.

Additional information

Very often projects are carried out in cooperation with a company, organisation etc.  We recommend very much cooperation with companies and the supervisors will help students to establish contact  to relevant companies, but it should be emphasized that VIA cannot guarantee students to be able to find a company interested in collaboration on the project.  The more specific problems chosen to be dealt with shall be connected to the student’s course background from her/his home university and/or connected with activities undertaken at VIA.


Nikolett Holm Szalai Thorup

Valid from

8/1/2022 12:00:00 AM

Course type


