
Semester project: Heterogeneous Systems





Offered by

ICT Engineering




Main purpose

The purpose is to 
- develop and document a distributed system 
- herein account for the security aspects of the system.

The purpose of the PBL part of the course is to promote the students' independent knowledge application, critical thinking and holistic understanding.


​Can refer to involved theories in order to increase efficiency for the group as a whole but also for the individual student.


In addition to the skills acquired in IT-SEP2, the student will be able to:
- Implement heterogeneous systems using multiple network protocols
- Analyse the security risks of a distributed system
- Use a version control system to manage versions

​PBL-Skills Learning Objectives
- Search for, locate, and apply relevant knowledge. 
- Apply academic and technical writing style, report structure, and rules of plagiarism. 
- Communicate the results of project work and the learning process of the project group in a well-structured manner using technical terms in writing, graphically and orally.​


In addition to the competences acquired in IT-SEP2, the student will be able to:
- Analyse, design, implement and test a distributed system using UML, Java and C#
- Construct a distributed system with the proper selection of architectural patterns
- Argue for the choice of various technical solutions for implementing distributed systems

​PBL-Competency Learning Objectives
- Structure and adapt group collaboration to the preferences and competencies of the members. 
- Receive and reflect on guidance and facilitation of group collaboration. 
- Independently plan, structure, and optimize own learning process based on previous experiences. 
- Argue for the choice of sources, methods, and solutions based on a critical assessment. 
- Incorporate a holistic and sustainable approach to the project with an eye for connections to the surrounding world.​


Teaching methods and study activities

Group work on project supported by process and professional guidance,
Online, video and group teaching in key topics followed by exercises in class.
Production of products in the form of model, prototype, program, poster or similar in workshops.

Continuous evaluation and feedback
Compulsory feedback meetings, and on-going ad hoc meetings

Programme Specific Product
A product in the form of a model and a program.


​Handed out on itslearning.



​Exam prerequisites:

Type of exam:
Oral group exam with individual assessment. 
Exam is based on project and process report, which must be submitted before deadline and apply with the formalities criteria stated under the Software Engineering specific Guidelines.
Group presentation approx. 20 minutes followed by joint exam with joint discussion and individual question and answer sessions for approx. 20 minutes per student including evaluation.
Individual grades are given on the basis of an overall assessment of the submitted work as well as the individual's performance during the exam.
Internal assessment.

Tools allowed:


Students who failed a semester must make a new project. 
Students who fail a semester project must attend an information meeting at the end of the summer exam period.
At this meeting, students will be notified about the process of the re-exam and students will form groups.
Deadline for hand in of the project is mid-August (exact date will be informed at the meeting). There will be no guidance in the period up to hand in.
Oral assessment of the project takes place before the start of the autumn semester.​

Grading criteria

Grading based on the Danish 7-point scale.

Additional information


Ole Ildsgaard Hougaard (oih)

Valid from

8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM

Course type

Compulsory Course for all ICT Engineering
3. semester


Distributed, heterogeneous systems, software architecture, communication protocols, security, literature search, reference management, critical thinking, holistic approach