
Thermodynamics, Process engineering and District Heating





Offered by

Supply Engineering




BY/FI-SCI2, CE/SE-SCI2 at VIA, or similar within the topics Algebra, Differentiation, Integration and Differential Equations.

Main purpose

The student will get competences in analysing and optimization of district heating processes and systems using process diagrams, energy balance and thermodynamics theory.
In addition, the purpose is to enable the student to read and interpret academic literature as well as communicate about processes, thermodynamics and district heating.


​The students gain knowledge about:
• Principles of processes and specific unit operations, as well as instrumentation and components.
• Basic thermodynamics, including the 0th and 1st law, energy balance of open and closed systems, equation of state and changes of state of ideal gases, thermodynamic cycle processes, the 2nd law and entropy of thermodynamics and real substances.
• District heating system processes: Heat transmission/heat exchangers, pumps, steam power plants as well as refrigeration systems and heat pumps.​


​After completion of the course, the student will be able to: 
• Prepare block flow diagrams and pipe and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) for an existing plant.
• Outline and calculate energy balances for thermodynamic processes and systems.
• Make basic calculations of thermodynamic systems, including heat exchangers, steam power plants and heat pumps.
• Model a simple district heating system in Leanheat® Network software.


​After completion of the course, the student will be able to:
• Identify which parts of the acquired knowledge and skills are relevant to a given thermodynamic problem in a district heating system.
• Relate the acquired knowledge and skills to creating simple mathematical models of real thermodynamic problems. 
• Analyse thermodynamic processes in a district heating system and suggest potential optimisation opportunities.
• Communicate about processes, thermodynamics and district heating using professional terms


Teaching methods and study activities

​The expected total work effort for the student is 137.5 hours. The teaching will be lecturing, problem solving and students' own presentations of selected subject areas.
Students prepare for class by reading parts of textbooks, solving problems, as well as preparing presentations initiated by the teaching staff. Using MathCad for calculations is self-study.




​Exam prerequisites:

Type of exam:
Individual oral exam, 20 min. with internal assessment. 
The exam is on the basis of course assignments found by lot and without preparation. 
The course assignments are selected by the examiner and communicated to the students no later than the last day of teaching on VIA's intranet.
Course assignments must be uploaded in WISEflow approx. 1 week before the exam.
If the student does not upload the course assignments in WISEflow, the student is offered to solve the course assignments during the exam. 
Internal assessment.

Tools allowed:

Same as the ordinary exam. 

Grading criteria

Grading based on the Danish 7-point scale.​

Additional information


Carsten Nielsen

Valid from

8/1/2024 12:00:00 AM

Course type


Energy balance, process diagrams, process diagrams, thermodynamics, heat transmission, heat exchangers, heat pumps, steam CHP, district heating