Staff weeks

Meet colleagues, share knowledge and discuss best practices within and across professions. Join one of VIA's Staff Weeks!

VIA University College offers Staff Weeks with various themes throughout the year.

The purpose of Staff Weeks is to get new inspiration, strengthen the relationship between the participating institutions through networking, knowledge sharing and discussions of best practices within and across professions - all in an international environment.


The content of each Staff Week varies according to the theme, but the programme normally consists of an introduction to VIA University College, presentations and workshops regarding relevant theoretical, practical and contemporary topics, visits to institutions, networking activities, cultural and social events. 

Apply for funding

All Staff Weeks are free to participate in, but expenses for accommodation, meals and transport are to be paid by the participants. It is possible to apply for funding if a bilateral Erasmus+ agreement is established between VIA and your home institution.

Upcoming Staff Weeks

Campus Viborg

16-18 April 2024, Social Education, Viborg

In the spring of 2024, VIA's department of social education in Viborg invites partners to a staff week focused on how social education contributes to solving challenges in a changing welfare society.
Learn more and sign up for staff week in Viborg
Campus Aarhus C

11-14 June 2024, Teaching, Aarhus C

VIA's department of teaching in Aarhus C invites partners to NETT staff week focused in the Danish educational system.
Learn more and sign up for NETT staff week
Staff week in Holstebro

19-21 November 2024, interprofessional, Holstebro

Join VIA's interprofessional staff week in Holstebro with focus on cultural diversity, the Danish model of welfare, and view on education, didactics and communication.
Learn more and sign up for interprofessional staff week