About VIA

VIA University College is a university of applied sciences and one of Denmark's largest higher educational institutions. At VIA, we offer professional bachelor's degrees and continuing education certificates and degrees. We educate and further train teachers, social and early childhood educators, nurses, engineers, physiotherapists, designers and many more.

Denmark has six university colleges. VIA University College covers the entire Central region of Jutland with eight campuses, where we offer more than 40 higher education programs and a host of continuing and further education courses.


International students


Programmes in English




Research Centers

1.8 mia. DKK

Annual turnover

Facts about VIA

  • Danish university colleges are universities of applied sciences and offer the majority of the country's professional bachelor degree programmes. VIA's programmes combine research-based teaching with practical training in public and private companies.

    VIA has eight campusses in the Central Denmark Region and is headquartered in Aarhus. 


    • More than 40 degree programmes, of which 9 are in English
    • 19,300 students, of which about 1,300 are international
    • 27,000 participants in continuing education
    • 2,200 faculty and staff
    • 10 research centres
    • Exchange of students and faculty
    • Double-degree programmes
    • International summer schools
    • Short and tailor-made courses – in Denmark and internationally
    • Conferences and seminars
    • Consultancy services and export of knowhow

    Read about VIAs management

    Annual reports

    VIA's annual report evaluates the development of VIA's activities and finances over the previous year. 

    The annual report includes an abbreviated version of VIA's accounts and includes the most important financial numbers and information. 


    At VIA, we educate responsible professionals in a sustainable context.

    See VIA's ESG report 2023

    See VIA's Climate Action Plan 2024-2025

  • VIA University College was established in 2008 as a result of a number of mergers of institutions of higher education. 

    Today, VIA is one of the country’s six university colleges, covering the Central Denmark Region.  

    Our name

    VIA is not an abbreviation. It's Latin meaning is “by way of”. We see VIA as a station on life’s journey, where students learn and grow before travelling on as professionals ready to contribute to society and make a difference. 

    Traditions and internationalisation

    Our programmes build on strong Danish traditions for educating students in cooperation with professional practice. Some programmes, like teaching, nursing and social education go back more than 100 years. They still play an important role in developing the world known Danish welfare society and creating growth and innovation in private industries. 

    As the world becomes more global, VIA increasingly takes an international approach to education and research. Today, almost half of our programmes are taught in English and we offer international double degrees, student and staff exchange, summer schools and research projects. 

    Research and collaboration 

    In 2013, the Danish university colleges gained official status as research institutions. We follow the same scientific standards as traditional universities but focus on applied research. 

    We take particular pride in our close collaboration with professional practice. As a result, the knowledge we produce helps solve real challenges for public and private organisations – in Denmark and internationally.

  • The Code of Conduct outlines ethical guidelines with regard to recruitment, admission and education at VIA University College. 

    In addition, the Code of Conduct contains information about the Danish Universities of Applied Science’s joint approach to agents and international partners. 

    The Code of Conduct is an ethical and legal binding document for the Danish Universities of Applied Sciences.

    Download the code of conduct (pdf).

  • VIA University College is a certified holder of an Erasmus+ Charter. This means that we act according to the Charter's specifications for mobility activities. 

    As part of the Erasmus+ programme, VIA continues its participation in an already established and significant network of bilateral agreements with universities and higher education institutions and cooperative partners in Europe and around the world. 

    VIA will continue to increase the number of incoming and outgoing students and lecturers. VIA will also continue to develop network and research projects co-funded by EU multilateral programmes , and to extensively involve administrative and technical staff in mobility activities via the Programme. 

    The Erasmus+ Student Charter highlights your rights and obligations and informs you about what you can expect from your sending and receiving organisation at each step of your mobility.

    Our Charter number is: 243723-IC-1-2008-1-DK-ERASMUS-EUCX-1
    Our Erasmus ID code is : DK RISSKOV06

    The Erasmus ID code is to be used for all Erasmus bilateral agreements and project applications to the EU.

    Related materials


  • On 27 September 2022, the Accreditation Council granted VIA University College (VIA) a positive institutional accreditation. See akkr.dk/en for further information:

    VIA University College is a publicly recognised and state-financed higher educational institution regulated by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science. 

    Public higher educational institutions in Denmark are regulated by the Act for University Colleges of Higher Education (Act no. 562 of 6 June 2007 with later amendments). The act concerns degree structures, teacher qualifications and examinations. All programmes are accredited by the Danish Accreditation Council. 

    VIA is a certified holder of an ERASMUS+ charter. We are a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and hold a Qualification Certificate from the People’s Republic of China. 

    We continuously develop our quality assurance procedures in line with international standards and practices. The methods we use in surveys and evaluations are widely acknowledged in the field of social sciences.

    Related materials

  • VIA’s policies will be posted below:

    Help in case of abusive behaviour 

    See VIA's guidelines for Preventing and dealing with abusive behaviour (PDF)

    Learn about VIAs Gender Equality Plan.

    Policy for a cigarette- and nicotine-free VIA

    A nicotine-free VIA

    As of 1 January 2024, VIA will introduce a ‘Policy on a nicotine-free VIA’ to help create a healthy study and working environment for everyone who works and studies at VIA.

    Being nicotine-free means that VIA will introduce nicotine-free campuses. For you that means you must not smoke or use other tobacco-related products on or in VIA’s premises and buildings as well as VIA’s outdoor areas.

    See the policy above. Are you studying at VIA, you can go to MyVIA for more information. 
