Who can apply?
Athletes, coaches and judges belonging to the national and international elite.
The target group is defined by participation in the best national/international series/league/group within the relative sport. Exceptions, following local decisions, may occur.
Application and guidelines for support
If you are applying as an international student, please contact Project Manager of VIA Elite Sports, Tue Fisker at tf@via.dk for further instructions
- The student counsellor/study administration will consider the application for the requested educational programme based on your application (possibly in collaboration with VIA Elite Sport) if your wish for an extended and/or flexible study programme is realistic and can be agreed upon.
- You yourself must take the initiative regarding the extension of a possible cooperation agreement by talking to the student counsellor well a head of time before the start of each semester. It is your duty to explain in writing what your plans for the coming semester in relation to the sport you practise are and how that will complement a realistic, compulsory study plan. To that end you must have written acceptance – an acceptance that allows for flexible cooperation – from your trainer and/or federation/club. You can, in cooperation with the educational programme, establish agreements that extend beyond one semester.
- Support is always assessed individually, from student to student, and is always subject to acceptance by the educational institution’s leadership and study counsellor. The support scheme and its opportunities are solely an issue between you, as a student, and the educational programme. Thus, the student’s club/agent/contact person cannot influence study-related decisions.
- VIA Elite Sports strives, together with the local contact person, to provide financial means to support the student’s pursuit of both education and elite sport.
- You yourself can also (with the approval of your elite status as well as the preparation of a realistic study plan) contribute to the funding of the implementation of your study flexibility as required.
- An agreement is only valid for one semester unless practical study matters entail a longer agreement. A condition of admission depends solely on your initiative. You have the obligation to take the initiative for the extension of the agreement well a head of time before each semester. If your elite sport status changes or comes to an end, you are required to inform the educational programme’s student counsellor. Thereafter, you are expected to transition to study without special agreements and conditions.
- In addition, you must also meet the same study terms and conditions as the students who have an agreement with the Danish national organisation, Team Denmark.
You are always welcome to get in touch if you want to know more about VIA Elite Sports.
Project Manager for VIA Elite Sports
Tue Fisker
T: +45 87 55 30 08
E: tf@via.dk
Campus Herning
Søren Rosted Bang
Student Counsellor
T: +45 8755 0560
E: srb@via.dk
Campus Holstebro
Elsebeth Hovmøller Christensen
Study and Practise Coordinator
T: +45 87 55 23 72
E: ehc@via.dk
Partner in Holstebro: Holstebro Elitesport & Sportsakademi
Gitte Sejer Skoubo
Elite- and Talent Consultant
T: 20 13 06 93
E: Gitte.Sejer.Skoubo@Holstebro.dk
Claus Kjærgaard
Elite- og talentkonsulent
T: 29 90 11 93
E: Claus.Kjaergaard@Holstebro.dk
Campus Horsens
Marlene Sand
Student Counsellor
T: +45 87 55 43 20
E: msa@via.dk
Campus Randers
Manja Flammild
Lecturer and Student Counsellor
T: +45 87 55 25 67
E: mafl@via.dk
Campus Silkeborg
Jens Giehm
Lecturer, Physical Education
T: +45 22 47 87 17
E: jgm@via.dk
Campus Viborg
Jørn Fryd Christensen
Student Counsellor
T: +45 87 55 22 88
E: jkfc@via.dk
Campus Aarhus C
Tue Fisker
Project Manager
T: +45 87 55 30 88
E: tf@via.dk
Campus Århus N
Ulla Gasseholm Bæk
T: 87 55 23 34
E: ulgb@via.dk
Partner in Aarhus: Elitesports Akademi Aarhus (ESAA)
Ole Keldorf
T: +45 29 20 83 86
E: ok@esaa.dk
Contact a student counsellor
You can also contact the student counsellor at your study programme/the study programme you are planning on applying to.