About the programme
Social education, also called pedagogy, is Denmark’s largest bachelor's degree programme. The programme builds on more than 130 years of developing early childhood education and Danish social pedagogy.
The bachelor degree programme includes a broad list of subjects and specialisations, including working with early childhood development, youth and adult education, disabled or elderly people or marginalised groups.
Courses include early childhood development, social education and pedagogy, learning and caretaking, nature and outdoor education, culture and creativity, health and exercise, digital media and social innovation.
The programme offers three specialisations: day-care pedagogy (children of 0-5 years), school and leisure time pedagogy (children and youths from 5-18 years) and special needs and social education.
Courses are taught as classroom teachings, lectures, project work, field work and four internships – which can take place abroad. We also offer the programme as a double degree with the University of Bucharest.

Professional profile
Graduates work in all areas of the Danish public sector, though mainly in the three areas of specialisation mentioned above. Workplaces include social institutions, daycare centres and schools, prisons and probation services as well as organisations working with youths, culture and sports.
Graduates can take a master's degree at a university.
Poul Smed Folmersen
Head of programme
T: +45 87 55 37 57
E: psf@via.dk
More about the programme on our Danish website