Psychomotor Therapy

As exchange student, you will gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of psychomotor therapy on a professional and personal level.




1 semester

Campus city


Study start

Week 6 & 35


2-5 days of following an experienced Danish psychomotor therapist  

About the Psychomotor Therapy exchange programme

  • Duration of the programme:

    Usually 1 semester (30 ECTS) but shorter stay is possible. The programme is under review and changes effective during spring 2025.


    The programme is in Danish, but you will be assigned a ”buddy” among the other students who will help you with some translation.


    See the curriculum for the full degree programme (pdf) (under review, new curriculum will be uploaded when ready)

    An Erasmus exchange programme has a minimum duration of two months, but at VIA most students are on exchange for a full semester. We also invite you for shorter stays.

    Read about a typical exchange at psychomotor therapy

    Individual programme

    Before arriving, you must make a learning agreement with your own university and with us about the content and outcome of the exchange.

    The VIA Psychomotor Therapy team will make an individual programme for you in accordance with the agreement.

    This means it is very likely that you will have classes with a combination of first- and second year students in order to reach the goals of your agreement.

    Lectures and literature in Danish

    Since all of the lectures and most of the literature is in Danish, a language course is a good idea before arrival. This will have great impact on your learning outcome from the programme.

    Because of the language difference, we aim at offering exchange students as many practical lessons as possible and less theory.

    Psychomotor therapy in Denmark

    In Denmark, manual treatment is a fundamental part of the studies. Physical contact, with touch or massage of a patient wearing clothes, enables us to relate muscular tensions and dynamics of the body to psychological aspects.

    The distinctive feature of studying Psychomotor Therapy in Denmark is a process-oriented learning environment:

    The course focuses on your own reflections and personal development. Starting from awareness of your own body, we proceed to reflect upon the role of a professional therapist and develop methods of being one in harmony with the person you are.

    Apart from manual treatment the distinctive subjects are:

    • Free movement and training of body consciousness
    • Rehabilitation and preventive psychomotor therapy
    • Psychomotor therapy directed towards certain segments e. g. children, elderly, disabled or people with mental illnesses

    Evaluation and exams

    We do not carry out exams for exchange students, but there are three requirements that they must fulfil:

    • 80 percent attendance in classes and internship
    • 3-5 written reports in English
    • 1 oral feedback and evaluation at the end of your stay

    As part of your learning agreement, it will be stated whether you will take an examination at your own educational institution after your time in Denmark.

  • We only accept exchange students who are already studying psychomotor therapy, and you need to have completed the first year of study at your home university.

    We work in close cooperation with different universities. This collaboration is to ensure that each course the student completes successfully at VIA University College is credited at the home university.

    Please note that we accept students from universities with whom we have an exchange agreement only.

    If your university does not have an exchange agreement, please ask your coordinator to contact us in order to make one.

    You have the opportunity to learn Danish

    As all teaching and most of the literature is in Danish, we expect that you have taken a language course before arriving, as a part of your individual programme. This means that you will gain 1 ECTS credit for attending the course.

    Try some of these free online resources:

    We can help you arrange accommodation

    When you have been accepted as an exchange student we will arrange your accommodation, unless you want to do so yourself.

    Contact VIA Housing Randers to learn more about housing options for exchange students in Randers -

  • Your home institution must have an inter-institutional agreement with the Department of Healthcare at VIA University College in order for you to be able to apply for this exchange programme at VIA.

    If an agreement exists, you will be able to fill in the application form. Please be aware that VIA must receive a nomination from your home institution as well. 

    Go here to learn more about how to apply and find a link to the application portal


  • Exchange students do not pay tuition fees.

    Per definition, exchange stays are an exchange of one or more students between partner universities and therefore, exchange students do not pay tuition fees.

    If you do not know, if your institution is a partner of VIA, please contact the international office at your home institution. If your institution is not a partner of VIA and you would like us to discuss the possibility of establishing an exchange agreement with your home institution, please contact us at

  • We do not provide a full internship programme.

    As a study exchange student, you will follow the work of an experienced Danish psychomotor therapist for 1-2 days during your stay.

    This can take place in different parts of Denmark, which means you can anticipate transportation costs.

  • Contact our Incoming team at if you have questions about the exchange programme or how to apply.

    Campus address

    VIA University College
    Study of Relaxation and Psychomotor Therapy
    Jens Otto Krags Plads 3
    DK-8900 Randers 

    Find us on Google Maps

Meet students

Meet Maria and João

Meet Maria and João

Maria and João from Portugal love the fact that the education in Denmark is very practical and the relation between teacher and student is more equal.