Center for Applied Research in Textiles, Design & Circularity

We develop knowledge that contributes to growth and innovation in the creative industries and professions. 

We carry our research and development activities in areas such as formats, materials, methods, processes, products, shows, and creative businesses – always using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a guiding framework. 

Our goal is through innovation to contribute to Denmark’s status as one of the world’s most creative nations. 

From design and textiles to business and circularity

When we study how hemp can substitute cotton, or how digital showrooms and business models lead to more sustainable consumption, we contribute to a better world. Economically, environmentally, and in terms of how human beings live in the world. 

Our Centre consists of four research programmes across Jutland with a focus on applied research and innovation. From sustainable business development and product design, our broad and interdisciplinary group of researchers are leading specialists in their fields.

Find our programmes and researchers below. Or contact the Centre management for more information about collaborating with us. 


  • Anders Bisgaard

  • Director of research & development
  • T: +45 87 55 05 07
UC Viden profile