Ph.D Course - Science Visualization

Ph.D Course - Science Visualization

About the course...


November 13-17, 2023


Aalborg University, Nybrogade 12, 9000 Aalborg


5 ECTS points

How to apply

Write Sia Søndergaard at:

Application deadline 

October 12

Course description, incl. learning objectives and prerequisites:

The Ph.D. student will gain insight into theory, methods, and tools to communicate research visually to different target groups (including the archetypes of peer-to-peer, special interest groups, and the general public).

The student will be introduced to the field of visual research dissemination, via visual storytelling, animation and interactive formats. The course offers a theoretical, methodological and practical introduction to visualizing and communicating one's own field of research, both to peers and target audiences of non-peers. 

The course's theoretical and methodological framework is interdisciplinary with perspectives from the visual industry practice, storytelling and didactic communication. 

Each day is divided between lectures and discussions of reading materials and practice cases, and group work where the Ph.d. students will work from the mindset of a producer to practice the processes of planning af science visualization project of their own.

Learning goals - after the course the students will:

  • be able to break down own research into different dissemination categories, targeted at different audiences
  • know communication methods and pitfalls in the communication between the visual industry and researchers
  • be able to organize and be part of the design of visual science communication productions
  • have acquired competencies to take the role as the producer on own research dissemination
  • be able to critically reflect on purpose and form, and the connection between these, on the visual research productions

The target group

The target group of the course is Ph.D. students in both the humanities, social sciences and technical-natural science fields. As student, you will put your subject-professionalism into play through visual science communication

Teaching methods

Lectures, workshops, and presentations with feedback


The Sci-Vi Ph.D Course is organized as a collaboration between The Animation Workshop, VIA University College - Center for Animation, Visualization and Digital Storytelling/Sci-Vi program and Aalborg University, Communication and Psychology’s Center for Interaktive Digitale Medier & Oplevelsesdesign (InDiMedia).