Research programme for Creative Business and Sustainable Development

We carry out projects with a passion for, and curiosity towards, the creative industry and its growth and development in a world of high complexity and rapid change. 

Learn more about us

Navigating a VUCA world

We live in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. As an umbrella project, Wayfinder facilitates innovation processes using playful tools, while sub-projects develop and test these tools.

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In the eye of the beholder

This project uses biometric research methods to investigate consumer perception and responses to new online touchpoints and sales channels - such as TikTok, Snapchat, webshop elements and designs.

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wayfinder project

Complexity compass

The tool ‘Complexity Compass’ has been used to facilitate students, educators, and companies in addressing challenges related to digital technology and sustainability. 
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woman looking at computer


NeuroLabs offers biometric research methods to help researchers understand users unconscious and visual reactions to information.
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How we work

  • We carry out research in sustainability and business conditions of importance to creative industries and professions. This includes:

    • Sustainable development and circular economy: How to translate a vision of a sustainable future into practice, and into new sustainable business areas and competences.
    • Digitalisation, technology, and innovation: What is the role and significance of digitalisation and technology in how companies and consumers meet.
    • Business understanding and development: How can design and re-design of business models and supply chains create growth.
  • Our research and development does not take us away from the reality, we study, but leads us closer to it. We work across disciplines and prioritize empirical studies. We look at the issues and needs, as well as solutions, facing the creative industries – as well as sustainable development, technology, and societal impacts.

    We work closely with partners in the industry, and each project is typically based on named companies, consumer segments, or technologies. As a result, our knowledge helps increase our partners’ competitiveness and innovation power.

    In addition, we focus on how the creative professions develop in a complex world of changing conditions, technologies and markets.

Our researchers 

Rune Thorbjørn Clausen
  • Rune Thorbjørn Jason Clausen

  • Research Manager, Ph.d.
  • T: 87 55 05 82
UC Viden profile
  • Helle Eskesen Gode

  • Associate Professor, PhD
  • T: +45 87 55 44 29
  • Expertise: Employee comm., org. listening, digital collab.
UC Viden profile
  • Klaus Greve True

  • Lektor
  • T: +45 61 16 13 93
UC Viden profile
  • Martin Storkholm Nielsen

  • Assistant Professor
  • T: +45 20 12 79 77
UC Viden profile
  • Paul McElheron

  • Associate Professor
UC Viden profile
  • Thomas Østergaard

  • Associate Professor
  • T: +45 30 62 86 70
UC Viden profile
  • Hanne Thaarup Mølbak

  • Associate Professor, Neurolab Coordinator
  • T: +45 60 10 00 50
UC Viden profile
  • Katrin Meinert Ibsen

  • Associate Professor
UC Viden profile
  • Tine Juhl Wade

  • Associate Professor, Neurolab Coordinator
  • T: +45 87 55 44 33
UC Viden profile