
The Osiris project aims to increase the capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises to develop and implement smart assistive technologies to the benefit of the end user.

Osiris is an Interreg project funded by EU funds. The project started in January 2019 and runs until June 2021.

The Danish partners are Aarhus Municipality, Center for Assistive Technology and VIA University College, Center for Research in Welfare and Health Technology.

The project partners represent countries in the Baltic Sea Region and they work together to achieve development and growth in the field of welfare technology.

The overall aim is to develop an innovative collaborative model for improving and implementing existing welfare technology as well as developing new products and services.

The Osiris project aims to increase the capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises to develop and implement smart assistive technologies (eg. tools, robots, virtual and other smart technologies and solutions).

This is fulfilled in close dialogue between knowledge actors, end users and companies, where the partners find new entrepreneurial opportunities and collaborative models that can foster development and innovation that are able to meet specific needs and challenges of the ageing society in the Baltic Sea Region.

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