
Digital Marketing





Offered by

Global Business Engineering




The student must have passed MAM1 and MAM2 during 2nd and 3rd semester of Global Business Engineering

Main purpose

In the ever-evolving marketing landscape, it is critical for a business to integrate all digital marketing efforts into its overall marketing strategy assuring seamless customer experience.

Therefore, the purpose of this course is for the student to learn the supporting theory and tools needed to:

  1. Learn the key concepts and understand the use of tools necessary in B2C and B2B companies that will allow them to compete effectively.
  2. Speak one language with digital marketing team working on cross functional projects, adding value in DM strategy formulation/execution/evaluation process.
  3. Design a framework based digital marketing strategy in order to achieve marketing objectives through applying digital media, data and technology.
  4. To be able to analyse, map and design the customer experience pathways.


The students will be introduced to core theories, models and tools in the field of digital marketing that will result in knowledge of:

  • The role of digital marketing as a part of business world and company's overall marketing strategy using the SOSTAC model
  • Integrated digital marketing by using the RACE framework
  • Translating SMART goals into digital strategy formulation
  • To validate the relevance and the usefulness of tools in connection with decisions concerning DM strategic choices.
  • Based on a digital marketing strategy analyse, map and design the customer experience
  • Developing customer personas
  • Online customer journeys with digital touchpoints
  • Understand social media's potential for relationship-building and online community creation.
  • Lead generation and qualifying of prospects with inbound marketing methods
  • SEO and SEM (paid search marketing)
  • Marketing automation
  • To identify the control methods for DM programs that correspond with business objectives.


At the end of this course, and having completed the essential reading and activities, the students should be able to

  • Participate in the planning and execution of a company's digital marketing
  • Identify key factors relevant for the planning process
  • Define DM KPIs corresponding with business objectives
  • Choose and integrate relevant digital channels into a company's overall marketing strategy, depending on context and objectives
  • Describe social profiles/personas
  • Create customer journey maps with relevant digital touch points


After a successful completion of the course the student will have the competencies to:

  • Develop strategies for obtaining competitive advantages through digital marketing
  • Measure and evaluate on a company's digital marketing strategy
  • Design DM strategies according to a company's objectives and available resources.
  • Utilize social media's potential for relationship-building and online community creation
  • Analyse and identify best ways to attract customers via SEO efforts
  • Develop strategies for marketing automation



Teaching methods and study activities

Activities during the course:

The teaching methods will represent a combination of in class presentation, class discussion and work with inclusion of interactive assignments.  Since the business world today depends on cross functional teams, group and problem-based work will be critical part of tuition and evaluation.

Students are required to participate actively in the lectures.

During the course there will be a number of individual and group assignments and all students will be expected to engage and be ready to present to class.


8th edition: Digital Marketing; Strategy, Implementation and Practice by Dave Chaffey and Fiona Ellis-Chadwick / PEARSON.
Previous editions are acceptable - pls note that page differences may occour



Prerequisites for exam:

Exam type:
Mandatory assignment handed in before deadline and in line with the project description and requirements including alignment with the VIA Guidelines for writing projects. The assign-ment accounts for 30% of the total grade.

Individual oral examination. The exam will include student's presentation of key aspects of the group project. It should in-clude reference to:
1. The corresponding course models and theories
2. The key findings and recommendations
3. Additional reflections / personal comments outside of the written report
A Q&A will follow
Oral Exam accounts for 70% of the total grade
(Total time 20 min: 5 min presentation, 10 min Q&A, 5 min eval-uation).
Internal censor 

Tools allowed:
Personal notes, Final Project, (no class slides)

As ordinary exam.

Grading criteria

Grading based on the Danish 7-point scale.

Additional information


Karolina Sudwoj-Nogalska

Valid from

8/1/2023 12:00:00 AM

Course type


Digital marketing strategy, PPC (pay per click), social media and blogs, content marketing, key words, e-commerce, customer journey, lead generation/qualifying prospects, conversion optimization, user experiences (UX), SEO, SEM, Google analytics