VIA uses the academic ECTS credit system and allocates credits to students on the basis of the expected learning outcomes as outlined in the regulations of each programme.
You can find the regulations and curriculum for each programme on the programme’s own web page.
Study abroad
All of VIA’s higher educational programmes provide students with the opportunity to study or do internships abroad.
Studies and internships abroad will be credited towards a student’s final diploma.
Diploma supplement
VIA automatically and freely-of-charge issues a Diploma supplement in English upon graduation from a Bachelor or Academy Professional Programme.
The Diploma supplement is an addition to the Diploma for Higher Education and is meant to make it easier for graduates wishing to work or continue their studies abroad.
The Diploma supplement is developed on the basis of a common EU template and provides you with comprehensive documentation of the programme you have completed. It describes in English the aim, content, length and level of the programme