Design and Business speciality: Branding and Marketing Management

Do you want to work strategically, creatively and independently with the development of brand strategies and events? And to use the right channels for your messages? Then Branding and Marketing Management at campus Herning is the right study programme for you!

About Branding and Marketing Management speciality

  • A professional bachelor’s degree specialised in Branding and Marketing Management is right for you, if you want to challenge and develop existing and new brands while focusing on sustainable practices.

    • You will learn to identify, analyse and present data, trends and tendencies in areas related to branding and marketing.
    • We optimise communication platforms of companies, and you will learn to develop, plan, carry out and evaluate marketing activities broadly, nationally as well as internationally.
    • In addition, you get to work with social media and digital marketing as catalysts of campaigns.

    The courses at this specialty will provide you with the ability to lead and develop branding strategies independently, perform trend- and market analyses, as well as make media plans and plan events. You will specialise in ensuring that new business concepts match brand values. You will, for example, learn how to market activities which combines business, aesthetics and sustainability, while creating value for the consumer at the same time.

    The study programme combines theory with practical skills, which enables you to take on specific job positions in e.g. social media, graphic design and campaign planning.

    A creative study programme focused on design and business

    With Branding and Marketing Management you will join a creative and practice-oriented study programme, oriented towards the fashion- and lifestyle industries. You will get a special understanding of the interaction between design and business and the creative processes employed in the industry.

    The strength of the programme is the combination of specialty courses, electives and common courses.

    Design and business are the focal points of the common courses, where students from all specialties collaborate on projects with leading companies from the industry.

    In the process of developing creative, entrepreneurial and realistic solutions, your business acumen with increase, and you will get experience in collaborating across professions. This way you will be prepared to take on a job in the industry.

    Likewise, joining an internship is important to provide insight into industry practices. Some specialties offer the opportunity to join electives with study trips – and if you are dreaming of studying abroad, this is also possible by taking an exchange semester with one of our international partner universities.

    Strong study environment in design and business

    Your teaching will take place in a study environment with strong ties to design and business and in close collaboration with businesses in the fashion- and lifestyle industries. State-of-the-art technology is available to you in unique workshop and lab facilities, which will provide ample opportunities to experiment with prototypes. In addition, you will get access to highly specialised knowledge and know-how, which will contribute to shaping your professional skills and future.

    Design and Business specialised in Branding and Marketing Management taught in English is available at VIA’s campus in Herning.

    See the curriculum overview

    Download overview of courses at the study programme (pdf)

  • With a professional bachelor’s degree in Branding and Marketing Management, you are ready for a job in the fashion and lifestyle industries.

    As a graduate of this programme, you will be able to develop, plan, implement and evaluate marketing initiatives both nationally and internationally. 

    Your job title will most likely be project manager, marketing consultant, communications officer or SoMe consultant in a marketing department, where you can expect to work with marketing, branding and communication.

    You could, for example, work strategically with development of campaigns, or have the responsibility for the over-all communication and marketing efforts in the company.

    Perhaps, you will chose to specialise in an area of your interest, e.g. social media, storytelling or visual identity.

    Further education

    With a BA degree specialising in Branding and Marketing Management you will have the opportunity to take a Master’s degree at another college, in Denmark or abroad.

  • If you have any questions about our study programmes or just need to confirm your choice of education, our student counsellors are always at your service. 

    A student counsellor can help you with: 

    • Questions about VIA's study programmes at VIA Design, admission requirements, selection criteria and admission procedures 
    • Guidance about how you qualify yourself for admission or perhaps suggestions for other study opportunities if you are rejected/not admitted 
    • Accommodation and living costs in Herning 

    Anne-Louise Degn Stagstrup
    Student counsellor

    T: +45 87 55 05 48

    You are also welcome to contact us if you have any general questions about VIA 

    VIA Design and Business
    Birk Centerpark 5
    DK-7400 Herning 

    T: + 45 87 55 05 00

Meet students and graduates


Video: VIA Design og Business x FDB Møbler & SELECTED

Get behind the scenes of the 2020 joint project at the Design and Business programme where students collaborated with two Danish brands
