Course modules

Read about the three modules of Nature in Social Education.

The three modules introduce to the Danish welfare system, to practicum and pedagogical knowledge.

Module 1: Social education, nature and outdoor activities 

The module is an introduction to the Danish welfare system and the pedagogical practice focusing on learning, development, cultural formation, care, and socialization of children and youth in a democratic society. 

The module especially focuses on the importance of including health, movement, nature, and the outdoor environment in pedagogical practice. The goal for the student is to investigate why and how to manage and develop pedagogical processes with a focus on nature experiences and understanding and on body and health in an outdoor environment.  

This may include issues concerning:

  • Knowledge about nature, natural phenomena, movement, health, environment and sustainability, and opportunities for experiencing and learning in outdoor environments, and skills in creating, planning, implementing and evaluating opportunities and activities for nature experiences, creativity, movement and health, and nature interpretation for various target groups.
  • Knowledge about learning and didactics in outdoor environments, and skills in creating opportunities for movement and experiences, and for learning and sharing knowledge in the outdoor environment for various target groups.
  • Knowledge about challenges and dilemmas in nature interpretation and outdoor activities in a pedagogical context, including the relation between human and nature and health, and skills in including and using nature and outdoor environment in pedagogical practice
  • Knowledge about the premises and opportunities for various target groups for movement, experience and learning in the outdoor environment, and skills in planning and handling projects focusing on nature and outdoor activities.

The evaluation of the student's work with the learning goals is graded by "Approved" or "Not approved". Based on the student's active participation and 3-4 compulsory assignments. 

Module 2: Practicum 

The module consists of preparation for practicum and three weeks of practicum completed by a reflection and examination period.

The learning environment of the practicum period enables and supports the student’s learning and experiences with examining, implementing, developing and adding perspective to pedagogical work at the specific practicum institutions. These learning processes take place in interaction with the target group of the practicum institution, as well as with colleagues.

This means that the student gets the opportunity to experience how to


  • Develop competences to investigate significant conditions for the target groups of the practicum institution, the everyday conditions for pedagogical work and the social context.
  • Actively engages in pedagogical work through participation in pedagogical activities, interaction processes and meaningful situations in significant relations with the target group.

The evaluation of the student's work with the learning goals is graded by "Approved" or "Not approved" based on an oral examination.

Module 3: Collaborative creation and citizenship

The module is focusing on pedagogical knowledge and competence to act in collaborative creation and citizenship. It contains knowledge about the global and local development of the welfare society and the social, historical, institutional, and professional context for pedagogical work and the relationship of such work with and in cooperation with related professions.

The achieved knowledge is important in planning, implementation, documentation, and evaluation of a project within pedagogical practice, with emphasis on collaborative creation with relevant parties and pedagogical environments and activities that contribute to citizenship and democratic education. 

At the end of the module the student can:

  • Account for knowledge about the welfare society and the historical context of pedagogical work
  • Account for and reflect on how pedagogical environments and activities can develop and stimulate citizenship and democratic education, and on the basis hereof organize and implement pedagogical activities in collaboration with relevant partners
  • Analyse collaborative creation across professions, institutions and organizations in the pedagogical field and can reflect, assess and add perspective to own project within this framework

The evaluation of the student's work with the learning goals is graded by "Approved" or "Not approved". Based on the student's active participation and 3-4 compulsory assignments.