The goal of our entrepreneurship course is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the entrepreneurial journey. We achieve this by integrating theories, self-reflection, and hands-on exercises. This approach equips you with the ability to translate these theoretical concepts and insights into real-world applications. Our primary objective is to provide our students with the realisation that entrepreneurship revolves around the core elements of ideas, resource utilisation, and decisive action.
Learning outcomes
- Obtain a profound understanding of how to use reflection in areas as innovation, entrepreneurship, establishing and qualifying a business identity
- Understanding complexity in business, leadership and projects generating value on entrepreneurial premises
- Ability to establish, identify and differentiate a business idea on practical as well as immaterial perspectives
- Ability to integrate the entrepreneurial way of working on personal-, team- and organizational level
- Ability to use many sources and perspectives for creating value in projects, idea generation etc.
- Acquired competencies to generate business ideas, qualify business ideas, reflect on operationalize business ideas
- Obtain a fundamental knowledge of how entrepreneurship differs from more traditional ways of thinking about business
- How to handle complexity in relation to business creation or change
- How to handle personal characteristics related to the student and business partners
Teaching methods and study activities
During the course, students must in groups develop, qualify, and concretize a business idea. At the same time, they will work on developing their own skills/competences. The teacher decides what the specific assignments are about. Both assignments result in reports that must be handed in. The course will comprise of lectures, company visits, group work and individual work related to the assignments. Other relevant types of teaching could also come in play. It is required and necessary for the student to prepare thoroughly by reading the specified literature and the tasks, which are specified in the plan of lectures.
Oral group examination consisting of a group presentation followed by a discussion between students and examinators. The duration of exam will be 60 minutes to groups of three to four people or 75 minutes to groups of five or six people. The examiner will be internal. Individual grade is based on overall assessment of written group report, presentation and discussion.
The summer school is based on the learning objectives in the curriculum of VIA Global Business Engineering, p. 38