Research Centre for Built Environment, Climate and Water Technology

We carry out applied research within sustainable construction, energy, water and intelligent digitalization. We are a proud partner within the EU research framework, and contribute to VIAs obligations as a UNESCO institution for sustainable development. 

Our research focuses on developing sustainable solutions to environmental and climate challenges. We work to ensure that our knowledge is made available to public and private partners as well as to our students.

Explore our knowledge

On these pages, we present some of our areas of expertise. For further information about our projects, publications, and researchers, please look at the links below. Also, feel free to contact us if you are interested in a collaboration.


  • Rikke Markfoged

  • Head of Research Centre
Lieve Vermuelen.
  • Lieve Vermeulen

  • Management partner
  • T: +45 87 55 42 08