Meet Justas Brazdeikis from Lithuania

Justas studies Software Technology Engineering. He is an intern at the Danish manufacturing company LINAK in Silkeborg.

I'm doing an internship at the Danish company LINAK. Before that, I took a course in Professional Danish to improve my chances of getting an internship. Justas Brazdeikis

Justas is sitting in front of his work computer

Who am I?

I’m Justas from Lithuania. I’m 29 years-old and I’m studying Software Technology Engineering (Bachelor) at Campus Horsens.

My internship is at LINAK, a manufacturer of linear actuators for a wide range of applications, such as height-adjustable desks, beds and medical devices. 
This gives me the opportunity to work with automotive protocol, which expands my skills.

Why Denmark?

I chose Denmark based on recommendations from my online gaming buddies! In hindsight, it was a risky move, but it paid off and I have no regrets.

I plan to stay in Denmark after I graduate, because there are a lot of high tech companies—I like that the organisational structure here is quite flat and that communication is informal. 

Would you recommend taking a Danish course to other international students?

Absolutely! My current colleagues were pleasantly surprised that I knew some Danish and I’m sure it was one of the reasons I was offered the intern position. 

I didn’t have many options to learn the language without the lessons interfering with lectures or school projects. But the Professional Danish course saved the day, because it was on Campus and the schedule never clashed with lessons. 

What are your ambitions?

Learning how things work and trying to make them better are what drives me. I want to create things that create value by improving people’s lives.  

What is the best piece of advice you can give to someone considering studying and working in Denmark?

If you want to stay in Denmark, you need to be willing to learn the language—even if some people say it’s not necessary, because everyone here can speak English anyway.

I did a course in Professional Danish to improve my chances of getting an internship in a Danish company.

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