Meet the students

The Career Center collaborates closely with VIA's programmes that are tailored towards the private sector. We assist your company in becoming visible to the students and meeting the students face-to-face. 

To get even closer to the students your company can participate in an event or enter into a paid partnership with the Career Center.

Which students would you like to meet?

Read more about your opportunities to meet the different students.
  • Both international and Danish students attend the Design and Business programme.

    You have several opportunities to meet students from Design and Business.

    You can meet the students in Herning or Aarhus at Company Dating.

    • Company Dating is a networking event. At Company Dating, you will meet students from various programmes or specializations. This event is held twice a year with participation from Design and Business with the following specializations: Furniture Design, Fashion Design, Pattern Design, Visual Communication Design, Retail Design & Business, Purchasing Management, Branding & Marketing Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

    Company Dating is a paid event.

  • There are several opportunities to meet students from our film and animation programs.

    Both international and Danish students attend The Animation Workshop programme. 

    Danish students attend the Multiplatform Storytelling and Production programme.

    You can meet students from Multiplatform Storytelling and Production at Company Dating in Aarhus and Meet Your Future in Filmbyen Aarhus.

    You can meet our students from The Animation Workshop at Meet Your Future in Viborg.

    • Company Dating is a networking event. At a Company Dating event, you will meet students from various programmes or specializations. This event is held annually with participation from Multiplatform Storytelling and Production.

    Company Dating is a paid event.

    • Meet Your Future is a networking event. At a Meet Your Future event, you will meet students from one programme. This event is held every spring with participation from Multiplatform Storytelling and Production, and every autumn with participation from The Animation Workshop.

    The next Meet Your Future at The Animation Workshop is September 11 in Viborg. 
    The event is hosted in collaboration with Viborg Animation Festival. 
    Read more about the event and find the sign-up link in the invitation.

    Meet Your Future is a free event.

  • Both Danish and international students attend the Architectual Technology and Construction (ATCM) programme.

    You can meet our ATCM at Company Dating in Horsens and Meet Your Future in Aarhus.

    • Company Dating is a networking event. At Company Dating, you will meet students from various programmes or specializations. This event is held every semester in Horsens.
    • Meet Your Future is a networking event. At a Meet Your Future event, you will meet students from one programme. This event is held every semester in Aarhus.

    Both events are paid events.

  • There are international students attending the following programmes:

    • Climate and supply
    • Software Engineering

    There are Danish students at our other Engineering and Business programmes.

    You can meet our students within Engineering and Business at Company Dating in Horsens.

    • Company Dating is a networking event. At Company Dating, you will meet students from various programmes or specializations. This event is held every semester in Horsens.

    Company Dating is a paid event.

    Next Company Dating in Horsens is October 2nd 12.30 - 14.30.
    Read more about it and find the sign up link in the invitation.

    • Meet the Company is a three-part event where companies have the opportunity to organise a targeted event for a specific group of students. This could, for example, be students seeking internships from a specific programme. As a company you will have the opportunity to:
    1. Give presentations about your company to a targeted and specific group of students
    2. Informally network with a targeted and specific group of students
    3. Conduct one-on-one interviews with a targeted and specific group of students

    Meet the Company is a partnership event.

If you have questions regarding the above, please find our contact information at the bottom of the page.


Do you want to increase your visibility among VIA's students?

The Career Center offers partnership agreements with companies that wish to enhance their visibility and strengthen collaboration with students from privately-oriented programmes at VIA University College. If you would like to learn more about this you are always welcome to contact Louise Skjoldager. See contact information below.

Partners of the Career Center

Contact information

See our contact information here

Tina Kejser

Consultant at Design and Business.

Phone: +45 8755 1425
Contact Tina

Michelle Ros

Consultant at Engineering and Business

Phone: +45 8755 4018
Contact Michelle

Freja Devantié

Consultant at Multiplatform Storytelling and Production & The Animation Workshop.

Phone: +45 8755 1048
Contact Freja

Louise Skjoldager

Consultant at Architectual Technology and Construction 

Phone: +45 8755 4015
Contact Louise