Fashion Design speciality at Design, Technology and Business

Dreaming about becoming a fashion designer? Inspired by your surroundings? Can you convey your ideas through drawings? At Fashion Design, you will get to develop fashion collections and contribute to the creative process from idea to finished product.


Academy professions (AP) Degree


2 years (120 ECTS)

Campus city


Study start



9 weeks

About the Fashion Design speciality

  • The Design, Technology and Business study programme specialised in Fashion Design is a match for students who want to work creatively and practically with developing collections for the fashion industry.

    Some of the subjects you will study at the programme:

    • Design development
    • Trend research
    • Target group analysis
    • Idea generation
    • Sketching
    • Colour cards
    • Material application
    • Pattern construction
    • Sowing

    Throughout the design process, you will work with graphic design programmes such as CLO3D, Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop, as well as in workshops such as sewing rooms, printing, knitting, and laser cutting labs.

    You will collaborate with existing brands in the fashion industry. Learn to incorporate sustainable solutions and build cohesive collections.

    The Fashion Design speciality is part of the Design Technology programme and is offered at Campus Herning.

    Learn more details on the Fashion Design speciality (pdf)


    The teaching style is more about guidance, more about talking about the whole idea development, it is not about telling you that your idea is wrong and bad, so you can really choose the way you want to work Adéla, Fashion Design student


    What are the career options?

    When you graduate from Design, Technology and Business specialised in Fashion Design, you can, for example, get a job as a design assistant. Here, your work will typically involve assisting the designer in developing collections.

    This may include creating trend boards, drawings in Adobe programmes, production documentation, graphic presentation materials, and approving collection samples, among other tasks.

    Further Education

    Many graduates choose to pursue the top-up Professional Bachelor’s degree in Design and Business, which offers more nuanced job opportunities with greater responsibilities.

    What is a speciality?

    The Design, Technology and Business study programme consists of common courses and speciality courses. Your speciality courses depend on which speciality you have chosen. Your speciality determines the area you will focus on within the fashion and lifestyle industry, for example, Fashion Design.

    You will study your speciality courses alongside other students with the same specialisation as you. In the common courses, you will study with students from other specialities.

    The common courses prepare you to understand the workflows in the fashion and lifestyle industries. This way, you will be able to collaborate with both designers and business specialists, regardless of which specialisation you choose.

    Read about the common part of the Design, Technology and Business programme here 

  • You can apply for the Design, Technology and Business study programme from 1 February to 15 March at 12 noon.  In addition to fulfilling the basic and specific admissions requirements, you are required to do an admissions assignment.

    Admission requirements

    • Upper secondary school leaving certificate/high school exam, or
    • The International and the European Baccalaureates, or
    • Danish Admission course for Engineering programmes

    Specific admission requirements

    In addition to the basic admission requirements, all applicants must also meet the following specific admission requirements:

    • Mathematics equivalent to a Danish C-level (125 instructional hours of 60 minutes each)
    • English equivalent to a Danish B-level (210 hours instructional hours of 60 minutes each) or a Danish C-level (75 hours instructional hours of 60 minutes each)  AND a valid English test (see list here

    All of the above subjects must be passed with a minimum average of 2.0 on the Danish grading scale.

    Learn more about admission requirements and how to apply here

    Or, go to to apply now.

    The area code for the programme is 73115

    NB! We reserve the right to not starting a class, if we do not have enough applicants.

  • When the two years (four semesters) at Design, Technology and Business are completed, you have an Academy Professional Degree, and you are able to work as an assistant in the fashion and lifestyle industry. You also have the option of taking further education, e.g. a top-up degree at Design and Business, which provides you with a professional Bachelor’s degree.

    The four semesters are structured as follows:

    Structure of the Design, Technology and Business programme

    Common courses

    At the first semester, all students attend a number of basic courses and participate in projects across specialities. This means that Fashion Design students also have business themes courses and students at Branding and Marketing Management attend design courses. Common courses are meant to ensure common ground and that a close collaboration between design and business is developed from the start.

    Speciality courses

    You select your speciality before starting your studies. Speciality is selected in the application process, as the admissions assignment varies depending on the chosen speciality. Speciality courses are planned to include teaching and projects centred on the basic elements and skills required in your speciality.

    Learn more about the specialities:

    Each semester is concluded with an oral or written examination. 


    Electives are available to everyone irrespective of the chosen speciality. This way, you have the opportunity to develop your skills within the areas you find most interesting.


    During the third semester, all students will have a compulsory 9-week internship in a private company of your own choice. As an intern in a real company, you will get valuable knowledge of how different professions are interrelated.

    Final 4. semester assignment

    You will finish your AP degree with a written assignment followed by an oral examination. The assignment will be based on a formulation of a problem made by the student in collaboration with a company. Go to the curriculum to learn more about exam requirements.

    Teaching methods

    Teaching at the programme is project-oriented, and combines theory and practise, as well as different academic disciplines. At the first semester, you get to work closely with students from other specialties, which means that you gain broad insight into all areas of the industry and get a sense of how important it is to have a common understanding of each other’s skills.

    From the 2nd-4th semester, specialty courses and electives have high priority, however there are still some cross disciplinary projects, where students from different specialties work together.

    We alternate between theoretical teaching and practise-oriented tasks and have both classroom teaching and groupwork. Assignments and projects are carried out individually or in small groups and you will always get feedback and guidance from a lecturer during the process. Projects and assignments are often concluded with a presentation. Your teacher will help you form groups at the first semester.

    Learn more about the teaching methods at VIA here, or find the curriculum below for more details on the Design, Technology and Business study programme.


    More information

    Kirstine Kjeldgaard model

  • The creative environment at Design, Technology and Business is one of a kind. Here you will meet a very diverse group of students, Danish as well as internationals. Common for all of them is an interest in the fashion, retail, and lifestyle industries, so no matter which specialty you choose you are likely to find a special sense of community here.

    Collaboration with the industry

    A large part of the teaching is based on collaborations with the lifestyle industry and/or cases founded in the business. This means that you get very close to the industry you will be working in in the future already during your studies.

    The environment around Campus Herning is unique in the sense that a large part of the fashion industry in Denmark is centred in central Jutland, so you will find the headquarters of major players in the Danish fashion industry close to campus. In addition, the industry organisation Dansk Mode og Tekstil (Danish Fashion and Textile) is located right next to campus and has a long-standing collaboration with VIA and students are free to use their trend library for research.

    Full time studies with preparation

    As a student at Design, Technology and Business, you should be aware that you are expected to put in an independent study effort and cooperate with your fellow students. The programme is full time and requires an average of 40 hours of studying per week.

    Expect to have teaching on campus 2-3 days per week, days varying from week to week. The remaining days are self-study days for reading, working with your study group and on projects.

    Study environment

    The study environment in Herning is buzzing with creativity. 

    When it comes to social activities on campus, we have a cozy Friday bar run by students. In addition, events relevant to your studies as well as social events take place on campus throughout the year, e.g. lectures, career days, yoga, and Christmas events. Find events here:

    You have access to campus every day from 7 am to 10 pm with your student card. This includes workshops and labs, i.e. material laboratory, flat screen and digital print, knitting workshop, embroidery workshop and sewing machines, which can be used for your projects and assignments.

    The on-campus incubator also known as The Garage offers guidance to students interested in starting their own business, and hosts industry relevant courses and workshops for and by students throughout the year. This could be photography course, trend forecasting, From Design to Reality, Creative Idea Festival and much more. 

    Campus Herning consists of five beautiful buildings in Birk Centerpark. The surrounding areas are full of atmosphere, art and architecture and the closest neighbours are the HEART, Carl-Henning Pedersen, and Else Alfelts Museums which students have free access to. In addition, the campus has an international student environment with students from all over the world.

    Read more about Campus Herning.

    Or, go to study in Herning to learn more about life as an international student in Herning.

    Study start

    The first week of your studies is focused on getting a great start. This includes an introduction to your campus, the industry, your class and the first project assignment. We will also work with study motivation, self-management, and study groups.

    The final programme and dates for study start will be announced at MyVIA, VIA’s portal for students. You will get access to the site once you are enrolled at one our programmes.

  • Whether you need to pay tuition fee or not depends on several criteria. For further information, go to the Tuition Fees page.

    Payment schedule and Terms of Payment for Design, Technology and Business (pdf)

    Terms and agreements

    Terms and agreements between partners and VIA University College can be seen in the different contracts under:

    Code of Conduct (pdf)

    Living Costs

    Go to our page about living costs to learn more.

    Financial support

    Danish students can apply for SU. The bachelor's degree programme is approved for SU for the official duration of the programme. Foreign students are not eligible for the Danish educational support scheme (SU). Some exceptions are made for refugees and relatives of refugees and other foreign citizens. EU citizens may be eligible for SU, if they have a contract for 10-12 work hours per week. More information about SU.


    Each year, VIA awards a limited number of scholarships to highly qualified current students from countries outside the EU and the EEA. This means that first year students cannot apply for a scholarship.

  • During the third semester, you will get the chance to try out your skills in an internship at a company of your own choice. The internship is 9-12 weeks at a company and usually take its starting point in your specialty and involves the various disciplines in the company. 

    The purpose of the internship is to give you a basic insight into the work processes of creative companies, so you can understand the importance of close co-operation between the various functions. You will also learn to work in interdisciplinary teams. 

    After the internship, you have to do a written assignment. 

    The list below gives you examples of companies that welcome interns from Design, Technology and Business: 

    • Baum Und Pferdgarten 
    • Won Hundred
    • Hummel
    • Aller Media A/S
    • Bestseller
    • GANNI
    • Saks Potts
    • Headstart fashion

    You have to find your own internship host, however, our internship coordinator is happy to help and our Career Centre also post internship positions regularly.

  • At VIA, we want to ensure that all students have an international element in their studies, either by doing an exchange or internship abroad or by participating in international activities at home, as international and intercultural skills are sought after by employers. See examples of how students obtained international elements here, or read more about internationalisation at VIA in general here.

    At campus Herning, you will be a part of an international environment - of the 1400 students here, around 400 are internationals of app. 30 different nationalities.

    Exchange – studying outside Denmark

    China, the UK, Canada, the Netherlands, Finland – you can study anywhere you like. The fashion and lifestyle sector is a global industry, so international competences are very important.

    During your studies, you have the opportunity to go abroad as an exchange student. This is possible during your 3rd semester. The duration of a study period outside Denmark is normally one semester – corresponding to 3-5 months and provided that your can transfer the credits for your exchange, your studies will not be prolonged.

    If you want to learn more about your international opportunities, contact the international coordinator at your programme.

    Internship outside Denmark

    You are also able to take your mandatory internship abroad. This way, you will improve your cultural and linguistic skills, and be able to build a professional network. The internship can take place at a public institution or privately owned business and usually lasts 9-12 weeks.

    If you, as an international student, are planning to work in Denmark after graduation, we generally recommend that you take your internship in Denmark, as this will help you build a professional network and gain experience in a Danish work-setting.

    Study trips

    During your studies you will be given the opportunity to go on study trips based on specific themes. 

    Whether the trips are in Denmark or other countries, the goal is to learn about companies within the fashion or lifestyle sector. This will provide you with experience and knowledge useful in your future career.

    More information

    Go to International opportunities at or contact your international counsellor to learn more about your options internationally.

  • If you have any questions about our study programmes or just need to confirm your choice of education, our student counsellors are always at your service. 

    The student counsellor can help you with: 

    • Questions about VIA's study programmes at VIA Design, admission requirements, selection criteria and admission procedures 
    • Guidance about how you qualify yourself for admission or perhaps suggestions for other study opportunities if you are rejected/not admitted 
    • Accommodation and living costs in Herning 

    Anne-Louise Degn Stagstrup
    Student counsellor

    T: +45 87 55 05 48

    Business hours:

    Monday-Thursday 9 am to 4 pm
    Friday 9 am to 3 pm

    You are also welcome to contact us if you have any general questions about VIA

    VIA Design and Business
    Birk Centerpark 5
    DK-7400 Herning 

    T: + 45 87 55 05 00

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Fashion Design lookbook 2023

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lookbook 2022

Fashion Design lookbook 2022

Meet the designers from 2022

Fashion Design lookbook 2021

Meet the designers from 2021